Sustainable Purchasing

Purchasing Policy

The Purchasing Policy is part of the 2020-2025 strategic plan and aims to make the Purchasing function a partner of the business daily.

The implementation of the Purchasing Policy is structured around eight themes, four regalian pillars and four levers of development, growth of the Purchasing function.

4 piliers des achats responsables : capital humain / performance économique / relations fournisseurs / achats responsables. 4 leviers : business partnership / maîtrise des risques / innovation / développement international

In alignment with the Group’s CSR policy, FDJ’s Purchasing Department has been committed to a Sustainable Purchasing approach since 2012. This commitment encourages the mobilization of all FDJ stakeholders.

Through its procurement, FDJ contributes to the economic, social and societal vitality of its territories, with nearly 90% of its purchases in value made in France and 90% made from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and intermediate-sized enterprises (IMEs).

The sustainable purchasing approach is a part of Group’s Universal Registration Document published annually.

Supplier Relationship

As part of its commercial activities, the FDJ group strives to build a sustainable and balanced relationship with its suppliers to ensure sustainability and equity within its value chain. This commitment materialized in 2021 with the renewal of the signature of the Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Relations Charter which FDJ has been a signatory since 2014.

Our commitment to Sustainable Purchasing concretized in 2021 with the award of the “Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Relations” label by the Médiation des entreprises of the ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Relance.

By 2025, FDJ is aiming for “zero default” on the payment of its suppliers to guarantee their financial sustainability.

FDJ has set up a cash discounting platform to enable early payment of supplier invoices with C2FO.

For any information, the Sustainable Purchasing entity is available at :

Label AFNOR relations fournisseurs et achats responsables


Vignette vidéo label relations fournisseurs

Supplier Relations & Sustainable Purchasing Label

According to its Sustainable Purchasing approach, the Group fully integrates CSR in its purchasing actions via several lever.

Through our Sustainable purchasing charter, the FDJ Group specifies the commitments expected from its suppliers in terms of CSR and shares with them the principles governing sustainable purchasing.

By means of our CSR risk map, FDJ evaluates the associated CSR risks for each purchasing category in order to define our areas of focus.

During calls for tenders, FDJ systematically includes CSR criteria in its supplier rating grids, which represent at least 8% of the final score in the selection of suppliers.

Through our CSR Charter of Commitments, the FDJ Group specifies the commitments expected from its suppliers in terms of CSR and shares with them its principles governing sustainable purchasing. These commitments are also shared through the CSR clauses integrated into the General Purchasing Conditions and in the contracts.

FDH has chosen Ecovadis to monitor the CSR performance of its suppliers. With a minimum score of 45/100, suppliers can be accompanied by the Purchasing Department to help them to build a progress plan.

Committed since 2019 to the international Sciences Based Target Initiatives (SBTi), which encourages companies to define carbon emission reduction targets in accordance with the IPCC’s recommendations and the Paris Agreement. FDJ encourages its main suppliers to commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.

Vignette vidéo gestion risques RSE fournisseurs

CSR Suppliers Risk Management

Inclusive Procurement

According to the CSR policy and the FDJ’s purpose, our Inclusive Procurement approach occupies a predominant place in the Group’s values.

FDJ materializes its Sustainable Purchasing commitments by working with the diversity and inclusion sector, i.e., all purchases made from suppliers of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE).

Since 2020, FDJ has been joining the Pas@Pas association in partnership with Handeco. FDJ has strenghtened its commitments to the disability sector through its purchase.

As part of the PAQTE, FDJ identifies suppliers located in Priority Urban Neighborhoods (QPV) and participates to “la Tournée des Achats Impactants” in collaboration with Impact Partners.

Vignette achats inclusifs

Our Inclusive Procurement policy

Diversity within the FDJ group is reflected in the inclusion of everyone, without distinction. The fight against all forms of discrimination is one of FDJ’s fundamental values. 

FDJ has held the Label Diversité/Label Égalité Professionnelle alliance since 2013. This label attests to good practices in the prevention of discrimination, respect for equal opportunities, and the promotion of diversity within the FDJ Group.

Through this label, FDJ communicates its commitment to its suppliers and encourages them to have a proactive policy on diversity and professional equality.

Labels AFNOR


FDJ has set up a procedure for recourse to mediation, accessible to all its suppliers in the event of a dispute, in line with :

  • On the one hand, the decree of Mars 11, 2015, which encourages companies to use amicable dispute resolution methods, inclusing mediation,
  • And on the other hand with its sustainable procurement approach, illustrated by the “Responsible Supplier Relations & Sustainable Procurement” awarded by the Médiation des entreprises.

Mediation is a structured, but not rigid, process with the objective of creating or recreating links, restoring trust and business relations between the parties involved in the dispute.

It is a voluntary process that relies on the freedom and responsibility of the individuals, under cover of the strictest confidentiality.

If either party is not satisfied with this procedure, each party remains free to terminate it at any time and resort to another method of resolution.

Within this framework, FDJ has appointed as mediator : Mr. Olivier de LAITRE, qualified mediator.

The main missions of the mediator ar the following :

  • To promote the search for and amicable solution to a dispute ;
  • To inform by e-mail the parties for the official initiation of any request for mediation, by informing them of the confidentiality of all the exchanges ;
  • Undertake to study the case in the light of the respective positions of the parties and to assess the arguments of each party in order to help them find an amicable, balanced and definitive solution to the dispute ; 
  • To meet each party together or separately if necessary ;
  • To propose to the parties for their consideration the procedures or means which seem to him to offer the best chances of sucess in their treatment ;
  • The mediator shall determine the outcome of the mediation, either by supervising a written or unwritten agreement between the parties or by notifiying the two parties of the failure of the mediation, in order to terminate the procedure.

The mediator can be contacted directly by writing to: