FDJ Corporate Foundation Governance

The FDJ Corporate Foundation Board of Directors


A board of directors committed to society and equal opportunities

The FDJ Corporate Foundation board of directors is chaired by Charles Lantieri and is the body that oversees the governance of the Foundation. It is made up of external and internal administrators with experience in disability, inclusion, and education; FDJ employees with expertise in fundraising, HR, CSR, and sport; and two elected staff representatives. 

FDJ Corporate Foundation Administrators

Portrait Charles LANTIERI

Charles Lantieri

President of the FDJ Corporate Foundation, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of FDJ

Isabelle Delaplace

Isabelle Delaplace

Managing Director of the FDJ Corporate Foundation

Gilles Barbier

Gilles Barbier

Qualified person
Founder and Director of handicap.fr

Isabelle Gougenheim

Isabelle Gougenheim

Qualified person
President from 2014 to 2023 of the IDEAS (Institute of Ethical and Mutual-Aid Action Development)

Saïd Hammouche

Saïd Hammouche

Qualified representative
Founder and President of Mozaïk RH (Diversity & Inclusion recruitment)

Daniel Panetto

Daniel Panetto

Qualified person
Chairman of Culture Presse (Professional organization of newsagents)

Amel Bouzoura

Amel Bouzoura

FDJ Representative
FDJ Group Commitment and Sport Communication Director

Portrait de Dominique Cavalié

Dominique Cavalié

FDJ Representative
FDJ Group Employee Experience and Transformation Director

Vincent Perrotin

Vincent Perrotin

FDJ Representative
Director of Commitment and Sustainability

Nathalie Le Garlantezec

FDJ Representative
Group Communications Director

Muriel Chevalier

Muriel Chevalier

Administrator of the FDJ Corporate Foundation, elected by employees
Point of Sale Operations Manager

Ludmina Maleyrot

Ludmina Maleyrot

Administrator of the FDJ Corporate Foundation, elected by employees
Commercial Transformation Project Manager